Friday, July 20, 2007

Modul Functional SAP R/3

Modul dan aplikasi yang terdapat dalam suatu software
SAP R/3 tergantung kepada versinya. SAP secara terus
menerus melakukan upgrade terhadap software R/3 agar
sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan jaman. Secara
keseluruhan, SAP R/3 versi 4.6C terbagi menjadi tiga
functional area:

§ Financial
§ Logistics
§ Human Resources

Sementara masing-masing functional area terdiri dari
berbagai macam modul pendukung. Selengkapnya modul
yang terdapat pada SAP R/3 versi 4.6C sebagai berikut:

§ Financial
· Financial Accounting (FI)
· Controlling (CO)
· Investment Management (IM)
· Treasury (TR)
· Enterprise Controlling (EC)

§ Logistics
· Logistics Execution (LE)
· Sales and Distribution (SD)
· Materials Management (MM)
· Plant Maintenance (PM)
· Production Planning and Control (PP)
· Logistics - General (LO)
· Quality Management (QM)
· Project System (PS)
· Customer Service (CS)
· Real Estate Management (Industry Solution)

§ Human Resources
· Personnel Management (PA)
· Personnel Time Management (PT)
· Payroll (PY)
· Training and Event Management (PE)
· Organizational Management
· Travel Management (TV)

Setiap modul R/3 mendukung fungsi-fungsi manajemen
tertentu. Penjelasan masing-masing modul adalah
sebagai berikut:

A. Financial
1. FI-Financial Accounting
Software bisnis SAP ditujukan untuk menyediakan
pengukuran secara kontinu terhadap profitabilitas
perusahaan. Modul FI juga mengukur kinerja keuangan
perusahaan, berdasarkan pada data transaksi intenal
maupun eksternal.
Modul FI menyediakan dokumen keuangan yang mampu
melacak (mengaudit) setiap angka yang terdapat dalam
suatu laporan keuangan hingga ke data transaksi

2. CO-Controlling
Fungsi dari modul CO adalah untuk mendukung empat
kegiatan operasional:
· Pengendalian capital investment
· Pengendalian aktivitas keuangan perusahaan,
memonitor dan merencanakan pembayaran
· Pengendalian pendanaan terhadap procurement,
pengadaan dan penggunaan dana di setiap area
· Pengendalian biaya dan profit berdasarkan semua
aktivitas perusahaan

3. IM- Investment Management
Fungsi dari modul IM ini overlapping dengan fungsi
yang dijalankan oleh modul TR, namun modul IM lebih
spesifik ditujukan untuk menganalisis kebijakan
investasi jangka panjang dan fixed assets dari
perusahaan dan membantu manajemen dalam membuat

4. EC-Enterprise Controlling
Tujuan dari modul EC adalah untuk memberikan akses
bagi Enterprise Controller kepada Information
Warehouse mengenai hal-hal berikut:
· Kondisi keuangan perusahaan
· Hasil dari perencanaan dan pengendalian perusahaan
· Investasi
· Maintenance dari aset perusahaan
· Akuisisi dan pengembangan SDM perusahaan
· Kondisi pasar yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan
keputusan, seperti ukuran pasar, market share,
competitor performance
· Faktor-faktor struktural dari proses bisnis, seperti
struktur produksi, struktur biaya, financial
accounting dan profitability analysis.

5. TR-Treasury
Modul TR berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan antara cash
management dan cash forecasting dengan aktivitas
logistik dan transaksi keuangan.

B. Logistics
1. LE-Logistics Execution
Modul LO juga merupakan modul yang terintegrasi dengan
modul yang lainnya, yaitu modul PP, EC, SD, MM, PM dan
QM. Pada intinya, modul ini fokus pada pengaturan
logistik dari masa purchasing hingga distribusi. Dari
purchase requisition, good receipt hingga delivery.

2. SD-Sales Distribution
Desain dari modul SD ditekankan kepada penggunaan
strategi penjualan yang sensitif terhadap perubahan
yang terjadi di pasar. Prioritas utama dari penggunaan
modul ini adalah untuk membuat struktur data yang
mampu merekam, menganalisis, dan mengontrol aktivitas
untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan dan
menghasilkan profit yang layak dalam periode akuntansi
yang akan datang.

3. MM-Materials Management
Fungsi utama dari modul MM adalah untuk membantu
manajemen dalam aktivitas sehari-hari dalam tipe
bisnis apapun yang memerlukan konsumsi material,
termasuk energi dan servis.

4. PP-Production Planning
Modul PP ini didasarkan pada pendekatan klasik
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP II), dan dengan
demikian menjalankan fungsi yang serupa dengan MRP II
dalam merencanakan dan mengendalikan jalannya material
sampai kepada proses delivery produk.

5. PM-Plant Maintenance
Modul PM berfungsi untuk mendukung dan mengontrol
pemeliharaan peralatan dan bangunan secara efektif,
mengatur data perawatan, dan mengintegrasikan data
komponen peralatan dengan aktivitas operasional yang
sedang berjalan.

6. QM-Quality Management
Modul QM terintegrasi dengan modul PP-PI Production
Planning for Process Industries. Salah satu fungsi
dari modul QM adalah untuk menyediakan master data
yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan rekomendasi dari ISO-9000

7. PS-Project System
Modul PS dikonsentrasikan untuk mendukung
kegiatan-kegiatan berikut ini:
· Perencanaan pendahuluan terhadap waktu dan value
· Perencanaan detail dengan menggunakan perencanaan
cost element atau unit costing dan menetapkan waktu
kritis, pendeskripsian aktivitas dan penjadwalan
· Koordinasi dari resources melalui otomasi permintaan
material, manajemen inventori, network planning dari
orang, kapasitas, material, operating resources dan
· Monitoring terhadap material, kapasitas dan dana
selama proyek berjalan
· Penutupan proyek dengan analisis hasil dan perbaikan

C. Human Resources
Berfungsi untuk:
· Memudahkan melaksanakan manajemen yang efektif dan
tepat waktu terhadap salary, benefit dan biaya yang
berkaitan dengan SDM perusahaan
· Melindungi data personalia dari pihak luar
Membangun sistem rekruitmen dan pembangunan SDM yang
efisien melalui manajemen karir

sumber: m. syarwani, pusat erp indonesia

Mengenal Business Intelligence

Tulisan ini mengutip habis-habisan dari email Mas Helly Purwanto. Thanks Mas!

Istilah Business Intelligence (BI) sendiri entah itu dari vendor atau dari dunia pendidikan saya tidak terlalu peduli. Mengapa? Karena istilah tersebut bagi saya cukup mudah dan merangkum semua jargon-jargon yang menurut saya malah membingungkan: ada Knowledge and Data Engineering, Decision Support System, Executive Information System, Performance Scorecard, ETL, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, dsb.

Sebelas tahun yang lalu saya pertama kali menggunakan Business Object untuk keperluan Reporting dari satu ERP - saya hanya kenal namanya report writer, bukan BI - walaupun canggih juga bisa pivoting kesana-kemari. Istilah kerennya Multidimensional Analysis. Waktu itu saya nggak pernah tahu istilah BI. Kurang gaul kah?

Setelah jalan beberapa tahun istilah BI makin populer. Saya coba melihat apa itu BI, pengamatan saya solusi BI secara mudahnya memiliki building block sebagai berikut:

1. Data Structure

Data structure BI biasanya menganut Star Schema. Dimana satu object data (FACT) bisa dipandang dari berbagai sudut pandang (DIMENSION). Mis; Transaksi PO dilihat dari dimensi Product, Vendor, dan Customer. Betul kata Pak Irsal - pivot excel. Kalau design data kita nggak bisa dibuat pivot excel dengan mudah berati design Star Schema kita pasti salah. Data structure ini cara penyimpanannya berkembang, tujuannya satu - supaya retrieve datanya cepat - maka keluarlah metoda penyimpanan dengan menggunakan Cube (kalau pakai RDBMS biasa yah semacam summary table. Methoda ini bisa dikenal dengan OLAP - ada Relational OLAP (ROLAP), Multidimensional
(MOLAP) atau Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP). Anda bisa cari di internet konsepnya.

2. Extract Transfor Loading (ETL)

Karena BI bisanya memadukan informasi dari berbagai sumber informasi maka dibutuhkan satu engine yang dapat menarik data dari sumbernya, merubah formatnya supaya seragam (data tanggal harus sama, kode Customer harus sama dsb), lalu dimasukkan ke dalam struktur data yang kita siapkan tadi sudah. Dari jaman jebot kita sudah bisa melakukan ini. Misalnya: di Oracle pakai aja PL/SQL, buat procedure lalu kita schedule-kan jobnya. Iya kalau sumber datanya satu, kalau banyak? Gimana dengan lintas platform - data source di Unix data warehouse di Windows? - gimana kita ngontrol
sequence-nya, gimana kita tahu ada sequence yang fail, gimana kita bisa restart dengan mudah? Biasanya solusi BI meng-cover ETL tool ini. Ada juga beberapa vendor yang fokus produce ETL tool seperti sunopsis misalnya.

3. Reporting Tool

Setelah data masuk paling gampang kita keluarkan menjadi report. Entah itu report tabular atau charting. Yang ini juga dari jaman jebot juga udah pada pakai.Ujung-ujungnya report.

4. Multidimensional Analysis (OLAP Analysis)

Memanfaatkan design data yang ada di nomor 1 tadi dengan memberikan kemampuan kepada user untuk melakukan analysis multidimensi. Seperti melakukan pivot table
dan pivot charting di Excel mungkin penjelasan secara mudahnya. Ditambah dengan statistik dan kemampuan untuk melakukan forecast dengan memasukkan parameter-parameter tertentu vendor biasa menyebutnya dengan data mining.

5. Drill Down dan Drill Through

Point 3 dan 4 tadi harus memungkinkan user untuk melakukan drill down - mem-breakdown informasi pada level yang lebih detail - misalnya dari summary pembelian customer sampai product yang dibelingnya. Dan drill through - dari data product tadi kita bisa click untuk mendapatkan trend dari setiap product.

6. Dashboarding

Menampilkan informasi-informasi dalam bentuk summary data. Biasanya populer dalam bentuk Chart yang dimana dengan sekali melihat kita bisa tahu apa yang terjadi dengan business kita dan bagaimana follow upnya.

7. Personalization
3, 4, 5, 6 diatas akan percuma bila kita tidak dapat melakukan personalisasi data. Kita akan kebanyakan informasi yang mungkin tidak kita butuhkan. Kita seharusnya bisa memilih report yang saya butuhkan a,b,c,d. Dashboard saya berisi informasi x,y,z. Data-data yang tampil pada layar kita hanya data-data yang relevan dengan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab kita.

8. Alerting and Collaboration

Sistem BI kita hendaknya dapat mengingatkan kita bila ada performance yang membutuhkan perhatian kita. Kita dapat memasukkan action plan - menunjuk Person In Charge - dan memonitor apakah action plan tersebut sudah terlaksana atau belum. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan e-mail, mobile devices, dsb.

Apa lagi ya?? - Hal diatas mungkin merupakan standard BI. Diatasnya masih dapat kita tempatkan aplikasi-aplikasi untuk mengelola strategy seperti Balanced Scorecard/Corporate Performance Management. Ada yang membuat productnya tersambung dengan BI seperti SAP SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management), Oracle Balance Scorecard. Atau yang specific dibuat untuk kebutuhan tsb seperti QPR dan PBView/Performance View. Rekan-rekan ada yang tahu versi Open Source dari ini? Ini satu-satunya part di Opensource BI yang saya belum dapatkan.

Menurut saya bila item-item diatas sudah terimplementasi baru kita bilang saya sudah mengimplementasikan BI. Saya pernah melihat beberapa company yang bilang sudah implementasi BI - yang ada hanya OLAP Analysis Tool atau Reporting Tool saja. Ada juga vendor yang bilang software saya sudah ada BI-nya, yang isinya cuma Report dan Charting tool saja.

BI bagi saya sangat menarik karena menggabungkan pemahaman business dengan database management. Di depan masih ada penggabungan BI dengan Artificial Intelligent, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network, dsb. Resultnya bisa seperti Plant Intelligence System.

Satu yang masih harus saya jelaskan/diskusikan - mungkin. Saya masih beranggapan bahwa implementasi BI ini tidak harus menunggu ERP perfect. Saya akan coba tuliskan business case kecil, nanti kalau ada waktu untuk hal ini. Mungkin di Industri saya yang Non Manufacturing, dimana Value Chain-nya sangat sedikit terkait dengan ERP, hal diatas relevan.

Pada Oil & Gas, Mining, dan Utilities ERP biasanya tidak mengcover proses planning dan production. ERP hanya mengcover support activities seperti Maintenance, Sparepart Inventory/Procurement, HR dan Finance. Value Chain yang menjadi jantung produksi biasanya dikelola dengan software-software yang spesifik untuk kebutuhan planning dan production. BI akan mengambil data-data dari software-software ini. Dalam banyak kasus biasanya terjadi dikotomi disini Software-software plant dikelola oleh Plant Operation sedang kan software business dikelola oleh MIS. Padahal informasi-nya bila digabungkan akan menjadi sangat berguna.

Anyway - jargon ERP bahwa semua harus terintegrasi dalam satu software package dalam beberapa tahun ke depan juga mungkin tidak relevan lagi. Konsep Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)/Enterprise Application Integration akan mempermudah kita menggabungkan informasi dari berbagai software - semua akan menganut Open Architecture. Setiap software akan menyediakan service dimana menurut kita software tersebut terbaik dalam penyediaan service tersebut. Bisa saja terjadi konfigurasi Maintenance pakai Maximo, FI/CO pakai SAP, purchasing pakai Commerce One (?? Lupa namanya), CRM pakai Siebel, BI pakai Business Objects - di dalam satu perusahaan. Pokoknya Campursari-lah he..he..he..

Kalau sekarang kelihatannya makin susah tapi kalau melihat Netweaver, Oracle Fusion, dan engine-engine integrasi seperti MS Biztalk dan Web Method hal tersebut tidak akan jauh lagi.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

berita dari SAP Summit 2007

JAKARTA: SAP NetWeaver mulai dilirik organisasi bisnis di Indonesia karena platform itu memungkinkan bisnis berinovasi dan meningkatkan produktivitasnya lebih dari sekadar enterprise resource planning.

"Minat terhadap NetWeaver cukup tinggi karena kemampuannya menyederhanakan lanskap TI sehingga lebih baik," " ujar Krishnendu Datta, Managing Director SAP Indonesia, kepada Bisnis.

SAP NetWeaver adalah platform teknologi terintegrasi SAP dan juga fondasi teknis untuk berbagai aplikasi SAP mulai dari SAP Business Suite. Dengan platform itu maka suatu perusahaan dapat menggabungkan teknologi informasinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis.

Menurut Krish, NetWeaver terdiri dari sejumlah komponen misalnya portal atau middleware dan menyediakan lingkungan pengembangan yang bisa ditambahkan dengan keseluruhan platform.

Perusahaan yang sudah mengadopsinya di antaranya PT Astra Honda Motor dan PT Telkom melalui middleware dan PT Asia Pulp Paper yang memakai platform itu di portal dan proses bisnisnya.

PT Excelcomindo Pratama menggunakan komponen NetWeaver di Business Inteligence dan middleware-nya.

"Masing-masing pelanggan memilih komponen atau bagian-bagian yang berbeda. Yang jelas ada ketertarikan terhadap NetWeaver di antaranya pada middleware dan komponen lain yaitu analytics," tandas Krish.

Meskipun animo tinggi, dia menyayangkan perusahaan di Indonesia masih belum memiliki perhatian serius untuk komponen yang juga sama pentingnya misalnya manajemen master data. "Padahal ini seharusnya juga diperhatikan," tandasnya.

Derek Judge, Head of Analytics SAP Asia Pasifik dan Jepang, menuturkan SAP Netweaver kini menjadi platform strategis pilihan pelanggan SAP.

"Berdasarkan survei, alasan dibalik implementasi NetWeaver adalah memperbesar adopsi user karena mencakup lintas 26 solusi industri," ujarnya di sela-sela SAP Summit 2007 akhir Mei lalu.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cara install miniSAP 610

terlampir adalah langkah-langkah melakukan instalasi miniSAP 610 yang dikutip dari

selamat mencoba

MiniSAP 610 Installation

This document provides you an overview how to install/configure etc. MiniSAP WAS 610.

Table of contents

MiniSAP 610 Installation. 1

Introduction. 2

Overview of process. 2

Starting Installation. 2

After Installation. 5

Logon to SAP. 6

Installing SAP DB Database Manager 8

Imports. 11

Starting SE80. 11

Setting up HTML help. 12

Setting up TMS. 13

Quick system check. 24

Changing menu start picture. 24

NLS Problem.. 25

Saposcol 26

SAP DB SQL Studio. 27

Problem with DB02. 27

New users. 27

Kernel Change. 27

Importing correction and examples. 29

Licensing. 34

Enlarging Database. 36

LSMW.. 38

Work Process. 38

ST03. 40

Trouble shooting. 40

Hints. 40

Exceptions. 40

Appendices. 41

Problems, open items. 41

Related documents. 41


MiniSAP 610 is a SAP Web Application Server 610 with only basis level without application modules. It’s ideal for ABAPers and Basis consultants to get familiar with the WAS environment.

Overview of process

System requirements:

a) Windows 2000 or Windows XP

b) Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher

c) at least 192 MB RAM

d) at least 512 MB paging file

e) at least 3.2 GB disk space

Installation was started with:

f) Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3.

g) Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106

h) 256MB RAM

i) Paging file settings: initial 512MB max 1024MB.

j) 12GB disk free space

Checks before the installation:

1. The fileC:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\services (Windows 2000) must not include an entry for port 3600.

2. No SAPDB must be installed on your PC.

3. The hostname of the PC must not be longer than 13 characters.

4. The Network must be configured for installation.

Starting Installation

5. Logon to Windows 2000 with administrator rights.

6. Insert the Mini SAP Web Application Server KERNEL CD (CD50050239_1).

7. Start \setup.bat or choose the Start Installation button on the right.

8. Choose 'Open' within the File Download Window popup.

9. Within SAPSetup, enter the target directory (Default: C:\MiniWAS).
Make sure you have enough free space (>= 3.0 GB) in this directory.

10. Confirm/enter the CD drive for both the KERNEL and the DATA CDs.

11. Enter the target drive for SAP DB database software (Default: C:\).

12. Installation is quite CPU intensive procedure.

13. After about 10 minutes running insert the Mini SAP Web AS System DATA CD (50057886).

14. After 20 minutes

15. Press Exit.

After Installation

16. After successfully installation you can find a ‘Start SAP WA1’ shortcut on your desktop. There is the same shortcut in your start menu Start Menu\Programs\Mini SAP Web AS.

17. Double-click the Start SAP WA1 icon to start the database and the SAP System.

18. Stopping:
Cancel and close the
Start SAP WA1 window with CTRL-C. (This only stops the SAP System but not the database.)

19. Starting and Stopping the database seperately:
Within the start menu (
Programs -> Mini SAP Web AS) , you can find entries to start and stop the database.

20. After system startup the memory usage can be 670-700MB.

Logon to SAP

21. Add to your SAPGUI the following entry

22. The logon screen looks like this:

23. Usually you log on as BCUSER. BCUSER is already registered as a developer for the Mini SAP Web AS. With the user DDIC, you can perform administration tasks.

24. After you logged on you already have some favorites…in german:-)

25. In the menu you can see only the Tools part available, there is no menu for Application modules.

Installing SAP DB Database Manager

In general, it is not necessary to perform any administrative tasks on the database. Exceptions could be enlarging the database, making backups, or changing database parameters. For each of these situations, you should use the SAP DB Database Manager, which is delivered on the Kernel CD. You must install this tool yourself.

26. Insert KERNEL CD

27. Start the setup program :\sapdb\NT\I386\setups\DBM73.exe.

28. Press next when it is necessary.

29. The installation takes only a few minutes.

30. After starting the SAP DB Database Manager (Start -> Programs -> SAP DB -> Database Manager) for the firrst time, you have to register your database. To do this, choose File -> Register in the Menu, specify the entry for the server where your database is running, mark the database WA1, press the 'Register' button, and enter the username and password of the Database Manager Operator (User name = 'control', Password = 'control'). Close the registration window. Now you can perform all administrative tasks with the SAP DB Database Manager for Web Application Server Demo Version.


31. It’s recommended that setup TMS now and import corrections package now, before creating own transport request. See chapter Setting up TMS and Importing correction and examples.

Note: This document describes the step in order I did … so it wasn’t the best order:-(

Starting SE80

32. If you start se80, the default.html BSP application is coming up.

Setting up HTML help

33. Copy Data CD\Htmlhelp to your local drive. E.g. C:\MiniWAS\Htmlhelp

34. In SAP start transaction SR13.

35. Press enter for information message ‘Caution: The table is cross-client’.

36. Select the HtmlHelpFile tab.

37. Change the path to C:\MiniWAS\Htmlhelp.

38. Press Save button.

39. In the ‘Prompt for Workbench request’ pop-up press the ‘Create button’.

40. Enter short description.

41. Press Save button.

42. Press Enter in the request button.

43. You can test the HTML help with Help-> Application help.

44. It didn’t work for me… I’ve mistyped the location. But now it’s OK.

Setting up TMS

45. Logon as DDIC.

46. You also have favorites, when you log on.

47. Call transaction SE38 and execute program ZR3_TMS_CONFIG.

48. For pop-up ‘Start deletion of CTS tables? Make a backup of the system beforehand’ choose Yes.

49. For pop-up ‘Start deletion New initialization of CTS required’ choose Yes.

50. It takes a few minutes. You will get the following log:

Changing profile

51. Start transaction RZ10.

52. Follow menupath Utilities-> Import profiles-> Of active servers.

53. You will get a nice log with full of error messages….

54. Go back to the selection screen and select profile WA1_D00 Instance.

55. In extended mode press the change button.

56. Change the value of rdisp/wp_no_btc from 0 to 1. This is the number of the background processes.

57. Press the copy button than go back to the selection screen.

58. Press the Save button.

59. For the pop-up ‘Incorrect parameter values detected. Display values?’ No.

60. ‘Do you want to activate the profile?’ Yes.

61. ‘Profile WA1_D00 (version 000002) saved and activated’. Enter.

62. You will get a ‘Caution! Message’.

63. To check the effect start transaction SM50. As you can see you only have 2 dialog workprocess.

64. Log off and restart the server.

65. The shut down log look like this.

66. Logon as DDIC.

67. Start transaction sm50 to check the work processes. As you can see there is a background job (BGD).

68. Execute program RDDNEWPP (transaction SE38), which schedules the background job RDDIMPDP within the WA1 system.

69. Press enter to the message ‘Transport system …’

70. Choose Normal in the priority pop-up.

71. To check this job start transaction sm37.

72. Start transaction STMS.

73. Enter description for the Transport Domain and save it.

74. Error message ‘Errors occurred during distribution of tp configuration’ Enter.

75. ‘Transport profile TPPARAM contains entries for system WA1’ Cancel.

76. Go to System Overview.

77. Double click on the system.

78. Navigate to the Transport tool tab.

79. Go to change mode.

80. Extras-> Copy configuration from TPPARAM.

81. Save and distribute. Check will fail in this stage.

82. Go back to the initial screen.

83. Press the transport routes button.

84. In change mode follow the menu path Configuration -> Standard configuration -> Single system.

85. Create a transport layer.

86. Save and distribute your configuration.

87. In the system Overview SAP system-> Create -> Virtual System

88. In the system overview SAP System->Check-> … Perform all the 3 kind of check. All of them should be OK.

89. You may have to refresh it several times because of the time-out problems.

90. In the initial screen of TMS all the error message is disappeared now.

Transport on OS level

91. To export or import transport requests, use the transport program tp as follows:

92. Open a DOS-box and change to the WA1 directory (C:\MINIWAS, for example).

93. Run the command file dbenv.cmd to set the environment variables for the database connection.

94. Start the transport program tp directly with tp pf=trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL .

Quick system check

95. Start transaction sm21 for checking system log. In the first start press ‘Continue’ to the ‘This instance was entered in TSLE4’ “Warnung” message:-))

96. Check st22 for short dumps.

97. Check sick ‘no application server offers an ENQ service’.

98. sm50, sm04, st11, st02, st04, db12, db02, sm12, sm13 are fine.

99. st06 requires saposcol

100. st03 gives a short dump

101. db02 gives an error message: “MONI has 1 entries with key --ADABAS Dmissing idx”


Changing menu start picture

103. Start SE80.

104. Create a Package.

105. Start SMW0.

106. Select Binary application radio button

107. Press Find.

108. Press Execute.

109. Settings -> Maintain MIME types.

110. Create an entry with MIME type: image/gif Name extension: *.gif

111. Go back to the SAP Web Repository: Object Display screen

112. Press the create button.

113. Enter Obj. Name and description.

114. Import a nice picture…. and enjoy SAP:-)

NLS Problem

During startup there is a message in the Start SAP WA1 command prompt log: “Database table TCPDB empty. Guessing! See note 42305”

I’ve started report RSCPINST, but I couldn’t activate the codepage, since parameters install/codepage/db/non_transp and install/codepage/db/transp were not set. In rz11 the value was ‘sapparam.c: Don't use’…so I didn’t use….

During next startup there was no such message anymore…I’ve checked TCPDB, and a new entry was created for 1100.


In st06 when I tried to check the parameters, all of them was zero, the saposcol wasn’t running. I’ve tried started manually, but in windows level it terminated. I’ve downloaded the latest 620 version ‘COLL 20.77 02/05/06 620’, I’ve overwritten the old one (after rename it) and started manually. It seems that it works fine now. In windows level it wasn’t registered as a service.

Since Saposcol doesn’t start automatically, I’ve modified runWA1.cmd like this:

REM =====================================================

REM Set the Environment for the DB Connect

REM =====================================================

set DBMS_TYPE=ada

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\sapdb\programs\bin;C:\sapdb\programs\sap;C:\sapdb\programs\pgm

REM =====================================================

REM Start the Database (SAP-DB)

REM =====================================================

cmd /c strdbsWA1.cmd

REM =====================================================


REM =====================================================

start /B saposcol -l

REM =====================================================

REM Start SAP System

REM =====================================================

rem del pxastat

start /B msg_server.exe pf=WA1_D00.pfl

disp+work.exe break pf=WA1_D00.pfl

Unfortunately it logs the following…but it’s not a big problem:

open logfile '\\w2000-inotaip\saploc\PRFCLOG\dev_coll.tmp' failed... try path =


rslgwr1(21): Searching for overlap point in pre-existing SysLog file...

[EnumInstances] SAPPdhEnumObjectItems( LogicalDisk ) failed with c0000bb8

[EnumInstances] SAPPdhEnumObjectItems( LogicalDisk ) failed with c0000bb8

[EnumInstances] SAPPdhEnumObjectItems( LogicalDisk ) failed with c0000bb8


* This is Saposcol Version COLL 20.77 02/05/06 620 - 20.38 NT 03/04/07

* Usage: saposcol -l: Start OS Collector

* saposcol -k: Stop OS Collector

* saposcol -d: OS Collector Dialog Mode

* saposcol -s: OS Collector Status

Starting collector (create new process)



I’ve installed SAPDB Sql studio, it’s available in the kernel cd, but I couldn’t connect to the DB with control/control….I’ve created a new user, but I’ve got the same message, when I tried to logon.

Problem with DB02

When I tried start transaction DB02 I’ve got an error message:

I’ve executed report RSDB_TDB, which took a few minutes. This report didn’t provide any log….but after it DB02 was fine.

New users

New user can be created in SU01. Just copy BCUSER to a new one. A developer key is valid for BCUSER, but for new user use 29671482393151224771. Somehow it didn’t work for me….

I’ve checked sap* is not deactivated, so logon with sap*/pass is possible….

Kernel Change

Based on OSS note 502999 WAS 610 is able to run with Kernel 610. I wasn’t sure about which version to download: Unicode/non-unicode. In OSS 544623 and 548016 it’s described how to convert database to Unicode, so I decided not to convert to Unicode.

After I’ve downloaded the WAS 620 Non-unicode NT/I386 kernel and unpacked them my WAS didn’t start.

There was an error in the dev_w0 log file:

C INFO : SQLOPT= -I 0 -t 0 -F SAPDB.2204.pct

C *** ERROR => Get of the precompiler version failed : sqlcode=-888 (Could not load libpcr (7.3.1-.))

[dbslada.c 4837]

B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -888 performing CON [dbsh#2 @ 962] [dbsh 0962 ]

B ***LOG BY0=> Could not load libpcr (7.3.1-.) [dbsh#2 @ 962] [dbsh 0962 ]

B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -888 performing CON [dblink#1 @ 419] [dblink 0419 ]

B ***LOG BY0=> Could not load libpcr (7.3.1-.) [dblink#1 @ 419] [dblink 0419 ]

M ***LOG R19=> tskh_init, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1119]

M in_ThErrHandle: 1

M *** ERROR => tskh_init: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 8534]

I’ve found OSS 557227, which describes how to import/register Precompiler Runtime for SAP DB.

1. Download from marketplace SAPDB->SAPDB OLTP-> SAPDB 7.3

2. Stop WAS and DB

3. Open a command prompt.

4. Enter: “dbcli dbm_getpath indepprogpath”

5. For me it was :

C:\>dbmcli dbm_getpath indepprogpath



6. Unpack the package from there.

7. It will create directory 7301 in C:/sapdb/programs/runtime/7301

8. Register the library with the following command: “irconf -i -p C:\sapdb\programs\runtime\7301”

9. The result was the following:

C:\sapdb\programs>irconf -i -p C:\sapdb\programs\runtime\7301

C:/sapdb/programs/runtime/7301 -> registered.

10. Start DB and WAS

11. The system was very slow, it compiled at the first logon/transaction starts.

12. The result can be check in System->Status-> Kernel

Finally I’ve decided to keep the old kernel, since the system gave me a SICK short dump every log on…because of the missing ENQ process. In the system log there was a lot of message about Buffer reorganization and invalid load format….

SICK error

I’ve reseted the old kernel, but then I’ve got the “Invalid load format”, probable now it had format for 6.20.

It was strange that the old kernel used the old db library…

Finally I’ve decided to try again after checking OSS Note 5470, 185745 and 162991.

I’ve changed WA1_D00.pfl file based on OSS 5470:

rsts/ccc/cachesize = 1000000


rsts/ccc/cachesize = 6000000

After changing this parameter “Reorganized Buffer” message didn’t appear anymore. I’ve tried to avoid “Invalid load format” message with SGEN generation, but it was so slow…I gave it up….

Also the generation increased the size of the database….

Next startup everything was fine…

Importing correction and examples

There is a correction available from SAP-PRESS for correcting the problem of creating classes in the customer namespace. Another request available in the install cd for importing the sample examples of the ABAP Object book.

1. Unpack ‘’

2. Copy K900002.WA1 to \TRANS\COFILES.

3. Copy R900002.WA1 to \TRANS\DATA.

4. Unpack ‘’.

5. Copy K8A0H5B.B20 to \TRANS\COFILES.

6. Copy R8A0H5B.B20 to \TRANS\DATA.

7. Logon as DDIC.

8. Start transaction STMS.

9. Press the ‘Import Overview’.

10. Double click on ‘WA1’.

11. You might have to refresh it several times if you get a connection error.

12. I’ve got timeout error several times:-(((

13. Extras -> Other request -> Add

14. WA1K900002

15. Yes.

16. Extras -> Other request -> Add

17. B20K8A0H5B

18. Yes.

Finally I did it on OS level with tp command. I had problems that I already had a request with name WA1K900002…I’ve renamed the request on OS level.

I imported B20K8A0H5B first. Import failed with the following error:

2EEPU161 Program "S_ITAB_ACCESS": Syntax error in line "000060"

2EEPU164 "You cannot specify the component 'TABLE_LINE' for""a generic line type in the current statement. allo"


C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>REM =====================================================

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>REM Set the Environment for the DB Connect

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>REM =====================================================

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>set DBMS_TYPE=ada

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>set PATH=C:\sapdb\programs\bin;C:\sapdb\programs\pgm;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\CLIENT~1;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\CLIENT~1\Shared;C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\CLIENT~1\Emulator;C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\pcAnywhere\;C:\PROGRA~1\SAP\FrontEnd\Controls\;;C:\MiniWAS;C:\sapdb\programs\bin;C:\sapdb\programs\pgm;C:\sapdb\programs\sap;C:\sapdb\programs\bin;C:\sapdb\programs\sap;C:\sapdb\programs\pgm@

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL showbuffer WA1

This is tp version 320.56.75 (release 620)

WA1 buffer:



B20K8A0H5B | | |1 |6 |6 |1 | | |127 | |115 | |

that makes 1 transport to be imported.

tp finished with return code: 0


Everything OK

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL addtobuffer WA1K900077 WA1

This is tp version 320.56.75 (release 620)

Addtobuffer successful for WA1K900077

tp finished with return code: 0


Everything OK

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL showbuffer WA1

This is tp version 320.56.75 (release 620)

WA1 buffer:



B20K8A0H5B | | |1 |6 |6 |1 | | |127 | |115 | |

WA1K900077 | | |1 | | |1 | | |2 | |2 | |

that makes 2 transports to be imported.

tp finished with return code: 0


Everything OK

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL import B20K8A0H5B WA1

This is tp version 320.56.75 (release 620)

This is R3trans.exe version 6.09 (release 620 - 04.07.03 - 10:00:00).

R3trans.exe finished (0004).

This is R3trans.exe version 6.09 (release 620 - 04.07.03 - 10:00:00).

R3trans.exe finished (0004).

tp finished with return code: 8


A tool used by tp produced errors


Importing B20K8A0H5B ended with an error:

After import package S_ABAP_BOOK is available in the repository. It seems report S_ITAB_ACESS has a syntax error, which caused the problem during the import. May be this program demonstarates the syntax check:-)…I’ve checked on 46C this syntax was still ok.

Renaming WA1K900002 to WA1K900077 didn’t work, the import failed.

I’ve changed back the name and import it (on os level) and it was fine:

I’ve checked the version of one of the imported object…it showed the import date:

I’ve checked the requests ans I’ve seen request WA1K900002 was completely overwritten…so I recommend to do this import before creating any request.


You can extend your license with requesting a new license key. To install the license key:

19. Logon to the system as DDIC.

20. Start transaction SLICENSE.

21. Press the install button.

22. Enter the license key. You can see here your Hardware Key.

23. If you send this key to SAP they will send you a license key immediately.

I don’t know why, but on SAP level I always got an error message, so I couldn’t install it….so I’ve tried on OS level, and it worked.

C:\MiniWAS>saplicense -show

LICENSE system: MBS hardware key: TEMPLICENSE expiration_date: 20020809

installation no: INITIAL key: O98ZY6MRKRCJRUXOQOLTLW58

userlimit: 0 productid: R3_ADA


*** license expired ***

LICENSE system: WA1 hardware key: TEMPLICENSE expiration_date: 20030814

installation no: INITIAL key: HOZTCS3MGTGACLWOQCI249KU

userlimit: 0 productid: R3_ADA


*** license useable ***

C:\MiniWAS>saplicense -get>

saplicense: HARDWARE KEY = F1500206791

C:\MiniWAS>saplicense -install

Specify your SAP System ID:


Specify your unique System idenfification:

If you have no systemnumber specified just press enter.


Set unique System-ID to INITIAL_SYSTEM_IDX

Specify your hardware key:

HARDWARE KEY = F1500206791

Specify your installation number:


Specify your expiration date:


Specify your license key:

LICENSE_KEY 1...5....0....5....0...4


saplicense: License successfully installed

C:\MiniWAS>saplicense -show

LICENSE system: MBS hardware key: TEMPLICENSE expiration_date: 20020809

installation no: INITIAL key: O98ZY6MRKRCJRUXOQOLTLW58

userlimit: 0 productid: R3_ADA


*** license expired ***

LICENSE system: WA1 hardware key: TEMPLICENSE expiration_date: 20030814


userlimit: 0 productid: R3_ADA


*** license useable ***

LICENSE system: WA1 hardware key: F1500206791 expiration_date: 20031030


userlimit: 0 productid: R3_ADA


*** license useable ***

I still couldn’t register a new user as a developer, but I had to register BCUSER with Developer key ‘29671482393151224771’.

Enlarging Database

After the kernel change my db was almost full, so I’ve added another data file. You have the possibility to add two additional data file.

1. Start SAP database Manager.

2. Navigate to Configuration tab -> Data Devspace.

3. Double click on ‘DATA0003’.

4. You can change the size, location and the type of the new datafile.

5. Press enter.

The enlargement takes only a few minutes.


1. Download LSMW for WAS 610 from the marketplace.

2. Unpack the file in the trans directory. It will create one file in the data, one file in the cofile dir.

3. Change to the trans\bin dir.

4. Add to the buffer:

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL addtobuffer B5TK000652 WA1

5. Import the request:

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_WA1.PFL import B5TK000652 WA1

It takes about 10 minutes.

6. Create an LSMW>CMD file in the bin dir with the following content:


client cascade = yes

file = 'c:\MiniWAS\trans\data\R000652.B5T'

including 'R3TRTABU'

including 'R3TRTDAT'

7. Perform the following command to distribute the Authorization profiles:

C:\MiniWAS\trans\bin>R3trans -u 1 LSMW.CMD

It takes less then a minute.

8. Reset the buffer using the following command in the command field:


9. Add one of the following profiles to your user master record:

You can start LSMW with transaction code LSMW. You will got the following Welcome message first time:

Work Process

I’ve activated the ENQ and the UPD process, since they don’t need too much memory resource. At startup they need about 6M each, but later the memory usage was about 600K for each of them.

At least I haven’t got any short dump at startup at least….in SICK the SPO process is still missing….

The only problem that I’ve got an error message in the development trace files, that there are too many process.

I’ve tried to activate SPO process, too. SICK was fine that time, but there were errors in the spool process development trace, so I’ve deactivated it.

Tuning, Profile changes

I’ve changed PHYS_MEM from 64 to 128. The system paged more than before, so I changed back it.

I’ve changed DIR_HOME = from ‘.’ To ‘.\work’ and created this dir…..the traces were created to this dir….but the system halted after startup. In the dev_disp:

*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => Gateway could not be started - I better exit now


***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 2376) [dpxxdisp.c 7982]


In the Miniwas dir there are many stat file, but I cannot see them in ST03, I’ve got the following pop-up and a MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN abap short dump. I think it’s a programming error, but I couldn’t find any relevant OSS note.

Trouble shooting

Not known.


a) Do the correction request import before creating any new request.

b) Installation parameter can be influenced with modifying file :\R3SETUP\WA1.R3S…not tested.





Problems, open items

a) Processes: how it is possible to perform update without UPD process?

b) Processes: which process should I activate?

c) Parameters: PHYS_MEM value seems too low (64MB), but increasing this value would cause performance problem…

d) New client: Normally it’s recommended not too touch client 000. Since it’s a demo system and I don’t want to enlarge the db, I will use client 000.

e) SPAM/Packages: It would require extra space…

f) Unicode: How can I activate Unicode? => It would need extra resource (CPU, memory, dbspace)

g) ZTTA/DEFTITLE: normally this parameter defines the title of the logon screen…it didn’t work for me.

h) Dev key????

i) CFOLDERS: What is cfolders?

j) How can I maintain HTTP users? -> Theoretically SICF, but I couldn’t find the entry for BCUSER.

k) How can I administer/monitor ICM?

l) Problem with st03?

m) SQL-studio connection?

n) Why SAPOSCOL is not a service?

o) Why there is no SAPMMC for SAP?

p) Why there is no user created on OS level?

q) Sending email from WAS? (SAPConnect SMTP)

r) Java Engine as an Add-on for WAS610?

s) Installing HTTPS?

t) “unknown” hostname in the BSP pages?

u) Preview in BSP pages…no picture is shown, scripts are wrongly shown.


Related documents

OSS Notes:

OSS Note 502999 Installing a 6.20 kernel into a system with 6.010 Web AS

OSS Note 557227 Importing the 7.3.01 Precompiler Runtime

OSS Note 42305 PSCPINST (NLS installtion tool)

OSS Note 548016 Conversion to Unicode /Unicode System Copy

OSS Note 554623 Unicode Installation

OSS Note 5470 SysLog E14: Buffer RSCPCCC … is being reorganized

OSS Note 185745 Kernel upgrade 46A/46B/46C/46D: --> Mass generation

OSS Note 162991 Generation tools for ABAP programs
